Unions seek strike to coincide with Escondida strike


Tuesday at 17:00, the badembly will be held where the workers of the Chuquicamata division of Codelco will decide the date of the strike, with which they seek to protest against the effects of the work of the transformation of the company. operation in an underground deposit.

According to the call chart, the meeting will also badyze the response to the Copper Workers' Federation (FTC), which the council of presidents held Tuesday, determined not to support the corporate strike, " Due to the negotiations Despite the above, union sources commented that Chuquicamata's union leadership has focused on obtaining support in other mining companies, to the point that 39, she developed a series of collectives, meetings in Calama and Antofagasta with the union Minera Escondida, a few days before the vote on the final offer in the framework of

In this sense, sources pointed out that One option that is gaining strength is to make the strike coincide with the possible strike at Escondida, which could take place on August 10 or the middle of the month.

] Despite this, other voices indicate that the strike would be over sooner and could even develop next week.

The transformation experienced by Chuquicamata, sees the departure of 1,700 people, of whom about 1,500 would come from causes linked to the end of fixed-term contracts, occupational diseases and pensions. Of the remaining 200, half are already trained in underground mining, with a high probability of being hired in the subsoil of Chuqui, while the second group could access a new process of this. type that will start in two months. 19659002] Northern Federation

Another reason for meetings between the two union leaders would have to do with the formation of a new union "union" in the mining sector.

Chuquicamata's decision to abandon the FTC and form the so-called "Northern Federation" would be almost taken, missing only the workers vote to approve the measure.

In that sense, it turned out that other unions would also be willing to give up the FTC, including that of Potrerillos, and other smaller divisions, the Minister Hales, Ventanas , Andina, Gabriela Mistral and Radomiro Tomic.

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