United States: 17 Saudis sentenced for the murder of Khashoggi – United States and Canada – International


Following the announcement by which the Saudi prosecutor's office acquitted Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, the US government UU sentenced seventeen Saudi-related financially on the death of the communicator, disappeared on 2 October after entering the consulate of his country in Istanbul.

The US Treasury Department said in a statement that all sanctions "were part of the plans and execution" of the operation that ended with the badbadination Khashoggi, journalist critic of the Saudi regime.

" Saudi officials we punish participated in the heinous murder of Jamal Khashoggi These people who brutally attacked and killed a journalist who resided and worked in the United States are facing consequences for their shares, "said Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.

The sanctions of this Thursday constitute the first concrete answer. Government of US President Donald Trump on the badbadination of Khashoggi.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, of UU., Said in a statement that some of the 17 sanctioned people were working for the royal family at the time of Khashoggi's murder; while others held positions of responsibility in ministries and government offices.

"Our action today is an important step in the response to the badbadination of Khashoggi," said the Foreign Minister. Among the sanctions are Saudi Arabia's consul general in Istanbul, Mohamed Alotaibi, and members of the Saudi team who reportedly arrived in Turkey a few hours before
Khashoggi's disappearance and who, according to the authorities Turkish authorities allegedly strangled and divided the journalist.

In a statement, Treasury Department of the United States. UU He attributed the leading role in the crime to Saud al Qahtani, one of Bin Salman's closest advisers, who was removed from his post last month after Saudi authorities were accused of being charged with the crime. hindered the investigation.

An important step in the response to the killing of Khashoggi

In particular, the Treasury accuses Al Qahtani of "participating in the planning and execution of the operation that led to the killing of Khashoggi" . Moreover, according to the Treasury, this operation was "coordinated and executed" by Maher Mutreb one of the subordinates of Al Qahtani, and would have had the participation of other officials Saudis.

The US executive did not explicitly badociate any of those who were disciplined at Bin Salmán and attributed no responsibility even though the prince is under international control, suspected to be the first personally ordered crime.

Shortly before EE. UU imposed its sanctions, the Saudi prosecutor has accused 11 people of the death of Khashoggi as part of an investigation exonerating the prince of any responsibility.

The sanctions against Saudi citizens, an unusual move in Washington, serve to freeze the financial badets that the 17 reprimanded individuals could have in the United States. UU and forbids American citizens from making financial transactions with them or with their companies.


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