Unknown persons burn the house of an employer in the province of Arauco


A group of foreigners on Wednesday burned the house of a farm located in the town of Quidico Tirúa municipality, in the province of Arauco.

Special Forces of the Carabinieri because the volunteers of the firefighters who were going on the spot were greeted by gunfire which prevented them from reaching the fire.

According to preliminary information, a person was injured as a result of the attack of this completely destroyed management house

In addition roadblocks were also produced on the road P-70 which connects the municipalities of Cañete y Tirúa

The governor of Arauco, María Bélgica Tripailaf, confirms the fire of a house and a caretaker injured by bullets in Quidico, Tirúa. Due to the rain and the confrontation, the calls not to be exposed unnecessarily on the road @Cooperativa

– Cristofer Espinoza (@CEspinozaQ) November 15, 2018

Incidents in the center of Temuco ]

At the same time, about 100 people organized incidents in the center of Temuco after demonstrating for the death of the member of the Mapuche community Camilo Catrillanca .

The demonstrators ] destroyed road signs on Caupolicán Avenue so that the carabineros arrested some people after these demonstrations.

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