Unlocking the face, faster and safer than ever!


benefits of mobile technology means going beyond the understanding of what
applications spend more battery on your smartphone. It's an experience
unique, with specifications to enjoy and learn to have a real
smart phone in your hands.

the most coveted features, is facial recognition 3D (Face
Unlock 3D): The unlock option using your face as access key.

This technology has been perfected
in time, to recognize a person even if he wears optical glbades,
with different hairstyles and under artificial light, natural or almost dark. All
it's possible because it is able to detect 1000 points on the face of a
no one, references to prevent you from using your photos wrongly or
videos to unlock your smartphone.

When setting this option, you must
Consider the following:

● This function only works
when you are awake and your eyes are open, take care of your data.

● This gives you privacy,
allowing you to avoid the clbadic preview of messages on your screen
blocked. That is, now you can leave your phone within reach of all your
office colleagues.

● For the moment, this option
is available in the latest versions: P20 Pro, P20, Mate 10 Pro, P10, Mate 10 Lite, P20 Lite.

you want to buy this model or others from Huawei, we remind you to visit our
official online store https://tienda.mercadolibre.cl/huawei or go on
Physical stores of Mall Plaza Vespucio and Costanera Center.

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