Unusual A woman transplanted from a lung dies of lung cancer


A woman with cystic fibrosis, died of cancer after receiving a lung transplant from a woman smoker .

A patient needed urgent treatment. double lung rasplate . After the operation, everything seemed to be going well, but he quickly developed a fulminating cancer that killed her. After graduation, the doctors found that the lungs he had received came from a smoker.

"According to the donor database, the transplanted lungs belonged to a 57-year-old woman who had smoked a pack of cigarettes every day for 30 years" according to the study conducted by oncologists at the University Hospital of Montpellier.

In June 2017, the patient was admitted to the thoracic oncology unit of the aforementioned hospital, but she died. lung cancer without trying to practice any therapy. This was reported by Crónica

Image illustrative. Photo: Pixabay

The authors of the study added that the time that elapsed between lung transplantation and the appearance of the first radiological abnormality was at the origin of carcinogenesis in life of the donor.

After confirming the origin of the disease, the doctors explained the origin of the disease. that it was a cancer whose growth would have been greatly accelerated by the immunosuppressive treatments received by the patient to avoid the rejection of her new lungs.

According to Dr. Jean-Louis Pujol and colleagues, "Given the relatively long latency period of lung cancer, we suggest that recently arrested smokers or donors should be treated with caution .

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