US Denies Plans for an Invasion from Venezuela


EFE / Washington

The United States yesterday denied that the government of President Donald Trump had reached the point last year to plan an invasion of Venezuela, but acknowledged that the military option stays on the table as one of the many possible tools. help the Venezuelan people to recover democracy.

An invasion is not planned, said a spokesman for the National Security Council of the White House (NSC) in Efe, the body responsible for centralizing military, military and military policies. The source stresses, however, that the United States continues to consider all the options available to them, including the military, to help the people of Venezuela to recover democracy, stability and prosperity.

The spokesman, who requested anonymity, reacted to press releases released on Wednesday that Trump planted some of his top advisers last August to invade Venezuela.

The source confirmed that Trump asked questions about the military, but said that what he wanted was to ask his team for options to have a range of choices in the humanitarian catastrophe that was unfolding at the time. Venezuela.

He asked about the military option, about humanitarian aid, about sanctions, about international cooperation against the regime of (Venezuelan President, Nicols) Maduro.

The official did not specify when there were serious discussions about the possibility of an invasion.

The important thing, he insisted, is that the United States has not taken any military action. now Venezuela, but continue to consider all options because no US government discarded in a situation like the Caribbean.

The spokesman described some information in the media on the subject of sensationalists, as they arrive several months after the episode Trump has motivated the international community to work together to put pressure on Maduro's dictatorship for that she changes. his autocractic behavior, said the spokesperson.

The source pointed to the international sanctions imposed on the Maduro Executive and the $ 30 million in humanitarian aid that the United States has given to Venezuelan refugees in the region.

Meanwhile, Venezuela's President, Nicols Maduro, yesterday reiterated his refusal of US military intervention and called on the Armed Forces not to lower their guard for a second to defend the law of the United States. South American country to live in peace. 19659002] In a military rise act, Maduro said that it would never be a military intervention of the US empire a solution to Venezuela's problems, having mentioned the news that US President Donald Trump, there are several month, planted Cabello asks to investigate traitors

President of the National Constituent Assembly of Venezuela (ANC), Diosdado Cabello, said Thursday that he would ask that organ who will open an investigation to the traitors of the country who, baduredly, openly demanded an invasion of their country.

In my present state of president of the ANC I will take this case tomorrow at the National Constituent Assembly to open an investigation. Enough, said Cabello in his program Con el Mazo Dando.

According to Cabello, this Trump proposal originated in Venezuelans who roamed the world and noted that anyone who is considered a traitor in the country in the event of an invasion of Venezuela will be treated as an enemy of the country.

We are not going to give up, (…) I am going to ask, and I announce it once, a search already, immediate, details. In other words, those who live by asking for a humanitarian channel, a humanitarian channel is nothing more than a military intervention, he insisted.

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