US economy UU is growing less than expected: 2% in the first quarter


Agencia EFE

The Ministry of Commerce of this country attributed the downturn in GDP to declining consumption and exports, among other factors.

The growth rate of the US economy. it's moderate in the first quarter of 2018, at an annual rate of 2%, with a slowdown in consumer spending leveled by the solid investment of US companies.

This figure also surprised badysts, who calculated a growth rate of 2.3% per year, slightly higher than the May estimate.

The Department of Commerce released the latest of its three calculations on the evolution of gross domestic product (GDP) between January and March in the United States. In the last quarter of 2017, the annual projection of the growth rate was 2.9%.

The Commerce Department attributed declining GDP to declining consumption, exports, state and local spending, and federal government spending, in addition to the decline in investment residential fixed.

In fact, consumer spending, which in the United States. accounts for nearly two-thirds of economic activity, was revised down from 1% to 0.9%, after the 4.4% rise in the previous quarter.

This is the slowest pace of spending According to the report, health spending by nonprofit organizations and disbursements in financial and insurance services have been revised downward. However, a rebound, with an increase in the purchase of equipment goods by 5.8% instead of 5.5% previously calculated, reflecting a business optimism in the economic future .

The Third Calculation However, quarterly is a far cry from the promise of US President Donald Trump to bring economic growth at an annual rate of 3%, driven by a huge fiscal stimulus package that includes cuts in government spending. Notable tax for businesses and, to a lesser extent, the workers

So far, this measure desired by Trump does not have the expected results in the most important macroeconomic indicator of United States
Despite this slowdown, the US economy continues to post good health, with a rate The unemployment rate ended at 3.8% in May, at levels considered to be full employment and not observed since 2000.

As a result, the Federal Reserve (Fed) has strengthened its commitment to carry out a monetary adjustment.

Two weeks ago, the US Central Bank raised interest rates to a level between 1.75% and 2%, which was the second increase in the price of money up to 39, now in 2018, and it is planned to perform at least two other increases.

On the other hand, the Fed has improved the US economic growth forecast. at 2.8% for this year, compared with 2.7% in March and inflation at 2.1%, against 1.9% three months ago

. held in Washington in April, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has raised the US economy's growth forecast to 2.9% for this year, a figure that is far from being achieved.

American business relations with different parts of the world, such as China, a country with which he has traded various tariff measures since Trump opted for an aggressive protectionist policy in March.

The US executive also created friction with longstanding trading partners such as Mexico. and the European Union (EU), which lifted the exemption of controversial tariffs on steel and aluminum at the beginning of the month.

The trade balance figures, for the moment, have not yet shown any signs of slowing down. The trade deficit in goods and services fell by 2.1% in April and was $ 46.2 billion, the lowest in seven months.

Wall Street's reaction to US economic data .US. It was mixed and the Dow Jones Industrial, its leading indicator, gave 0.12% minutes after the start of the session, while the selective S & P 500 gained 0.05% and the Nasdaq composite market fell by 0, 11%

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