USA: Mike Pompeo to meet his North Korean counterpart in New York on Thursday | World | USA


Secretary of State of United States Mike Pompeo will meet Thursday in New York his "counterpart" of North Korea and their hand The Department of State announced Monday in a statement issued by the US State Department

that Pompeo told Fox News Sunday that he would meet "this week" General Kim Yong Chol in New York. , one of Kim Jong-un's closest collaborators.

Finally, the date has been revealed: it will be November 8th.

The two men "will discuss the progress made in the four pillars of the joint declaration of the Singapore summit, including the final and fully verified denuclearization of the DPRK", official acronym of North Korea .

The special representative of United States for Korea del Norte Stephen Biegun, will be in the Ro, says the communique.

Kim Yong Chol has been a regular interlocutor in Washington since the reopening of the dialogue between North Korea and the United States . In the spring, he had already had a meeting with Pompeo in New York, before being received by President Donald Trump at the White House.

"We will have a good opportunity to continue the discussions on denuclearization." I had declared Pompeo on Fox News on Sunday.

I hope that we will make real progress, especially so that the summit between our two leaders can take place, "he said on another network, CBS 19659009] Since the first summit between Trump and Kim Jong-un, June 12 in Singapore, a second face-to-face meeting between the two leaders is constantly evoked

Source: AFP

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