USA to reimpose Iran sanctions lifted as part of nuclear deal


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the sanctions were aimed solely at "depriving" the Iranian "regime" of resources for continuing to fund terrorism around the world.

The Secretary of State of USA. Mike Pompeo announced today that next Monday he would reimpose all sanctions against Iran but would temporarily exempt eight countries or "jurisdictions" with territorial deployments of " Efforts "for Tehran .

"We are going to exempt certain jurisdictions (territories or countries), but only because we have seen an effort and we are reducing their imports of oil from Iran," said the head the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Pompeo pointed out that from Monday Washington would reimpose all the sanctions existing prior to Global Plan of Joint Action ([19659]). 005] JCPOA signed with Iran in 2015, and emphasized "that they will be the hardest of the history" of the Persian country.

At a telephone news conference, which also participated the US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin Pompeo explained that the decision to exempt these eight "jurisdictions" is temporary. [19659003] Last Wednesday, Iranian President Hasan Rohani felt that the possibility of Washington to consider exempting some countries from these sanctions demonstrated that the government of Trump he was throwing himself "behind" because he knew that he "would fail" "

" The new plan of USA against Iran will definitely fail and they retire. First, they said that they would reduce Iran's oil exports to zero; after that, zero was no longer possible in November; and little by little, they said that they wanted to reduce it, "said Rohaní at the weekly meeting of the government.

Pompeo who did not want to specify the countries or groups of states benefiting from this exemption, explained that the goal is to give "a little more time" to these eight economies to gradually reduce their dependence on Iranian crude.

The US has stated that Washington had already entered into an agreement with six of these "territorial" jurisdictions, while with the other two, among them China "the talks are continuing ".

Pompeo refused to confirm whether the European Union (EU) ] would also benefit from this extension, although it downplayed this possibility since, he stated, "many (European) entities of any size doing business with USA they have already stopped doing business with Iran ."

In September, representatives of the EU and the five powers that continue to support the nuclear pact with Iran, abandoned by Washington in May ( Russia China France on United Kingdom and Germany ) agreed to create a special entity to facilitate transactions with the Islamic Republic and to avoid sanctions.

In this regard, Mnuchin argued that he did not think that such an entity would be used to perform "significant transactions", but warned that, if that 39, was the case, Washington "aggressively pursue all the benefits"

Pompeo pointed out that these sanctions were only intended to "deprive" the "regime" Iranian resources needed to continue financing terrorism around the world and pointed out that the president of USA Donald Trump did not want to harm the Iranian people.

For this reason, it will also be exempt punishes certain commodities for the population, such as food and medicine.

"We are counting on the Iranian people, and we are working so that they have the government they want," he observed Pompeo


the oil industry, the financial transactions of the central bank and the Iranian port sector are at the center of these sanctions which will come into effect at 00:00 local time on Monday, November 5 (04.01 GMT ). EFE

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