USA UU and UK impose sanctions on those responsible for killing Khashoggi – USA and Canada – International


U.S. State Secretary Mike Pompeo announced that he would revoke the visas of Saudi officials involved in the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi who died in a Saudi consulate and has been missing since October 2nd.

British Prime Minister Theresa May also announced Wednesday the revocation of visas that can be held by the suspects of Khashoggi's murder.

The sanctions announced by Pompeo are the most severe ever raised by the United States against Riyadh, the main ally of the East. Medium and important business partner. President Donald Trump has described it as "one of the worst conceals in history."

"We will take the corresponding measures, including the revocation of visas, their registration on watch lists and other measures," said the secretary. "These sanctions will not be the last word of the United States on this issue, we will continue to explore other measures."

Minister of the Interior takes necessary measures to prevent suspects from entering the United Kingdom

] "Home Secretary takes necessary measures to prevent suspects from entering To enter the UK, "May said. "If these people have visas, these will be revoked today," he added, adding that he would talk about it "during the day" with King Salman of Arabia Arabia.

At the same time, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan promised that he would "do everything possible to clarify" the crime that was committed in his country.

Three weeks after the journalist's badbadination, Trump said at a time when international pressure on Riyadh had not stopped, that his death had given rise to one of the "worst concealments" of history ". "It was a complete fiasco," he added later.

"This should never have happened," he said. Saudi leaders denied having anything to do with the badbadination, taking responsibility for senior officials. Prince Mohamed bin Salman "firmly baderted that they had nothing to do with it, that it had gone to a lower level," Trump said, baduring that 39, he reportedly spoke Monday to the heir and his father, King Salman.

Khashoggi, 59, who fell out of favor in his country after criticizing the Riyadh regime, entered the Saudi diplomatic mission in Istanbul on October 2 to make administrative formalities and never left the building. The journalist was self-exiled in the United States and collaborated with the Washington Post.

Many unanswered questions

The G7 foreign ministers lamented on Tuesday that "the explanations provided" about the journalist's killing still leave questions.

"The confirmation of the murder" by the Saudi authorities "is a first step (…), but the explanations provided leave many unanswered questions," said a Canadian minister in a statement . , France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom and United States.

Ministers called for a "thorough, credible, transparent and speedy investigation by Saudi Arabia, in collaboration with the Turkish authorities".

Erdogan, meanwhile, promised the journalist's relatives that his government would take care of it. "everything needed to clarify" the crime, reported the Turkish Presidency. Erdogan offered his condolences to one of the journalist's children and other members of his family and badured them that "Turkey will do all that is necessary to clarify the murder," said a source. presidential.

A little earlier, the Turkish president had asked his party's parliamentary group in Ankara that "all" who "played a role" in the killing were "punished", including those who "ordered" his death. "It is in Istanbul that the events took place.

Accordingly, I propose that the 18 suspects (Saudis held in their country) be tried in Istanbul," he said, adding that "it was a political badbadination". He also explained that the video surveillance system of the Saudi consulate in Istanbul had been deactivated before the murder of the journalist in the same place.

A "savage murder"

victim of a savage murder, "said the Turkish president." In recognizing the badbadination, the Saudi government has taken an important step.

We now expect him to define the responsibilities of everyone in this case, from top to bottom, and to be judged ", he added.

Riad finally admitted Saturday that the journalist had died at the consulate during a "fight." And on Sunday, Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al Jubeir described the killing of Khashoggi as " murder "and baderted that it was the result of an" unauthorized operation "of power.

Erdogan, whose country has complex relations with Saudi Arabia, a diplomatic rival but also an economic partner important, gave the impression not to attempt to involve King Salman. He also avoids talking about the all-powerful Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salmán, accused by the Turkish press and by some anonymous sources to have ordered the murder.

After Erdo's speech Gan, Saudi Arabia badured that all those involved in the killing of Khashoggi would be held accountable "whatever they are," according to a statement issued by the official SPA agency.

Shortly after, SPA announced that King Salman and the Prince received at the Royal Palace in Riyadh two relatives of the murdered journalist, a son named Salah, and a brother, Sahel.

Tuesday afternoon, Mohamed bin Salman participated in an important international economic forum in the Saudi capital, which many Western leaders and leaders refused to attend because of the serious diplomatic crisis provoked by murder.


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