Usach's concussion after the discovery of a deceased professor at the Faculty of Science | National


A professor from University of Santiago (Usach) was found dead this morning in the School of Science of the House of Studies.

According to the first Originally, the 74-year-old teacher identified as Álvaro San Martín belonged to the Department of Physics and had been found lifeless inside his office .

For the time being, the situation is under investigation as a natural death which was ratified by Carabineros after corroborating the fact that it was not. There was no intervention by third parties.

This is a professor . has filed suit for alleged misfortune in the last few hours, after his last night did not arrive home after his day's work.

A concussion at the university

campus students, as noted Gustavo Robles, Secretary General of Usach, during a conversation with The Radio.

night inside the university.

"He is a professor of more than 50 years at the university, a distinguished professor, exceptional, of excellence, who was in full development of his activities ", he declared.

Álvaro San Martín was director of several departments of the Department of Physics and was presented as an academic of excellence on campus.

arrived, the clbades of the faculty were suspended so as not to hinder the work of the police.

  Álvaro San Martín | Usach
Álvaro San Martín | Usach

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