Vaccinate UACH medical students after the increase in the mumps epidemic | National


The sanitary authority of Los Ríos was to administer an immunization operation for medical students of the Autonomous University of Chile (UACH), following the detection of an epidemic of tuberculosis. mumps that had affected 17 students and forced the suspension of student internships from the house of studies.

Due to what happened at the UACH Medical School, various steps had to be taken. such as epidemiological research and surveillance of the outbreak of mumps in addition to preventive maintenance with students of this breed and a vaccination operation, for the purpose to prevent the detection of new cases.

In this sense, María Angélica Hildebrandt, of the Seremi of Health in Los Ríos, stated that she was to take these steps with students from the third to the seventh year of the School of Medicine.

"All necessary measures have been taken to reduce the contact with the virus, we give the students recommendations to avoid contagion during the period that takes effect in the vaccine, such as the refusal to share utensils and the constant washing of the hands, "explained the regional secretary.

Students like Robin Molina and Macarena de Paulo evaluated this operation taking into account that not only they had to protect their integrity, but also that of the patients with whom they must be in daily contact by ensuring that this testifies to an interest on the part of the authority and the study house.

The Health Seremi recalled that during this year, 521 were presented. to date in the region much more than the 52 cases reported in 2017. Most of them belong to the municipality of Valdivia and are men over the age of 15, reported the l 39; authority

. This has been added to epidemiological case investigations, coordination meetings with health and education institutions to carry out prevention activities with nearby population groups. In addition, seeks to reveal what is mumps, how it spreads and enhance the importance of maintaining rest said the authority.

It is important to emphasize that people detected with mumps must remain isolated at home until 7 days after the onset of symptoms.

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