Valdivia: Intendencia awaits the results of studies after the discovery of sunken ships | National


The Los Ríos City Hall confirmed that it was awaiting the results of studies on the discoveries of sunken ships in the river Valdivia near which is projected Cochrane Los Pelúes .

Revuelo provoked the information revealed on what was found by divers, in prospecting tasks by a marine archaeologist on the main river of the city, in the vicinity of the place where the Viaduct would be located between 1945 and 0000 Isla Teja and Cochrane Street .

Although the information is public through the environmental badessment system, there is always secrecy in the government.

Thus, both housing and urbanism Seremi, Andrea Wevar, as well as culture, arts and heritage confirmed the ongoing actions, in Cesar Asenjo said that the agency is not going refer to the question until it is certain absolute, because the process is ongoing and respectful of the institutionality.

After being consulted, the regional authority confirmed that it had no deadline for obtaining the responses of ongoing studies.

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What we are trying to clarify, it is the date of the ships found , and that Webar had said, would correspond to feluccas, wooden structures up to 18 meters long and which were used for the wooden trailer or other raw materials of the region.

Radio Bío Bío contacted the professor of history and master's degree in artistic and cultural heritage of South American Colonial, Lorena Liewald, who stated that Valdivia has in its history the use from lanchones or feluccas to transport goods, timber or livestock and it is likely that there are remnants of these vessels.

from the University of San Sebastian indicated that in these prospector works, the first thing to do is to document what was found then see if it can be recovered or left underneath the water believing that the latter would be more likely.

He even said that there are aspects of costs and technologies that can lead people to rethink if indeed it is convenient to remove the pieces that are under the river.

Finally the academic said that it is possible only on the edge of Isla Teja or on the islet Haverbeck and find this type of ship, which would have stayed on the shore after it sank after it was no longer used, or because of others were disarmed in the river by the weight of what they were carrying.

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