Valparaíso: waiting for the possible end of high-rise freezing buildings | National


There is a strong expectation in Valparaíso for the expiration of the freeze period in building permits which would occur if the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (Minvu) n & # 39, did not approve the proposed regulation. If the latter occurs, real estate companies could enter pre-projects governed by the Municipal Plan of Regulation (CRP).

The scenario is one year after the municipality of Valparaíso requested the freezing of building permits to work on a partial modification of the PRC.

Currently, the Seremi of Vivienda y Urbanismo who must approve the new regulation, continues to make observations .

Even, the municipality during this morning gave them answers, waiting for the government to approve the amendment and publish it in the Official Gazette as soon as possible.

The race against time is because, if there is no news during this day, Friday the real estate companies could enter the draft plans of buildings that should be governed by applicable regulations. That is, much less restrictive – for example – in terms of height.

Juan Armando Vicuña, president of the Chile Chamber of Construction (CChC) of Buenos Aires, badured that if the modifications are very restrictive the construction companies could look for any. other sectors affecting the population.

John Parada, lawyer and president of the Valparaíso Defense Movement, called for calm and stated that the Municipal Works Department (DOM) can take the time it deems prudent to determine whether or not a project is governed by the regulations. Legally, this period would be 60 days.

For his part, Ximena Ugalde, president of Ecoagrupación Estero Cabritería, worries and says that it is an opportunity to protect the green spaces of the regional capital.

From the Seremi of Vivienda y Urbanismo they pledged to give information to Radio Bío Bío

However, until now there is no answer regarding the process in which the PRC communale is found in this ministerial secretariat.

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