Velasco does not recognize the defeat and asks for "caution" for results that give the winner to Maldonado


The current party chairman claimed that he will make a claim Tuesday before the community's Supreme Court, baduring that there are irregularities. "We have figures that are favorable to our candidacy," he said.

"There is always the process of the Supreme Court and we do not exclude electoral tribunals." Thus, the current president of the Radical Party, Ernesto Velasco, reacted Monday afternoon to the results of the elections of his community which gave as a winner to his rival, the former minister Carlos Maldonado, by a difference of over 500 votes: 3,789 votes against 3,206, or about 9 percentage points-

However, Velasco did not concede defeat, but denounced a series of situations, for which he will make a presentation tomorrow at TS of his community. "We have figures that are favorable to our candidacy, and not just mine, but at their different levels, informed by our command.We will question a set of tables and situations that we will ask to consider. because we consider that they are irregular, "he said.

The current helmsman of the PR said that there were situations in the tables and geographical areas. Maule, who completely escapes what is counting or reflecting what is happening in the rest of the country, and many others where there was virtually no voice. "

Velasco concluded by calling for caution with regard to the results, a message that occurs at times when Maldonado said that he was fully convinced of his victory." We have a well-established track record that there have been irregularities, there are vices in the process, we will ask that they be examined. I hope that transparency will be maximum and I hope that in this campaign all those who spoke about transparency act accordingly: I ask for caution, "he said

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