Venezuela is one of the worst countries to experience childhood [Internacional] – 01/07/2018


Caracas .- Venezuela is one of the most dangerous countries for children, both in Latin America and around the world, according to a report by Save the Children.

According to the report of the organization that promotes and defends the rights of children and adolescents, Venezuela is cataloged as a country where many children have lost their childhood stage because of the conditions in which they find themselves.

Venezuela scored 716, placing it in position 129 of the 175 countries evaluated. It is followed by Bangladesh and Uganda, with 701 points each, says the newspaper El Nacional.

On the other hand, Singapore, Slovenia and Norway top the least-threatened countries, while the Central African Republic, Mali and Mali. Niger is the country most at risk for minors.

The report, Multiple Faces of Exclusion, examines how conflict, poverty and discrimination deprive children from enjoying their childhood.

It also clbadifies countries according to the seriousness of the threats faced by children due to health problems, malnutrition, school exclusion, child labor, marriages, early pregnancies and childbirth. extreme violence.

Venezuela is going through a political and economic crisis It has triggered various factors such as the exodus of populations, the financial crisis, the shortage of commodities and medicines, as well as the increase in unemployment and violence. [1] 9659007] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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