Venezuela remembers the creation of Petrocaribe


June 29, 2018, 23:32 Caracas, June 29 (Prensa Latina) Venezuela today congratulated the countries of the region that make up Petrocaribe, an institution created 13 years ago, to build energy, economic and social networks, according to the well-being of the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean.

The statement issued by the Ministry of Petroleum notes that the cooperation mechanism was born from the ideas of two great Latin American leaders, Fidel Castro and Hugo Chávez, and It has become a partnership platform for solidarity that helps to minimize asymmetries in access to energy resources.

Similarly, it promotes the ability of states to implement sovereign policies aimed at eradicating poverty and improving people's quality of life, the document says.

The state-owned Petróleos de Venezuela (Pdvsa) and the 12 joint ventures that make up Petrocaribe's They are developing a key energy infrastructure for the region, whose storage capacity is one million 732,000 barrels of oil and can refine up to 70,000 barrels a day, explained the Venezuelan authorities.

As part of Petrocaribe, the member countries have projects in the fields of food, electricity, education, sanitation, public services, housing and health, in order to contribute to the reduction of poverty in the region.

The communique recognizes that the multilateral mechanism to the economic war that Venezuela faces, since in the context of the payment of the oil bill, the Venezuelan people received four million tons of food to favor the most vulnerable population.

Finally, the text emphasizes that Venezuela The leadership of President Nicolás Maduro will make Petrocaribe a strategic priority of its energy policy n the principles of solidarity, cooperation and sovereignty, before the economic blockade imposed by the US government. United, which aims to roll back the progress made by the Diplomacy of Peace program.

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