Viagra provided to women for pregnancy was suspended for infant deaths


An erroneous study determined that taking Viagra in pregnant women could prevent low birth weight in newborns.

Dose of Viagra was given to more than 100 pregnant women in the midst of a Dutch study that determined that while taking the drug, low birth weight could be avoid.

But what was not known, it is that after the test with sildenafil (Viagra), 11 babies died and Apparently, the drug is already administered to more pregnant women around the world.

According to an article by The Guardian : "Sildenafil affects the body by dilating blood vessels, which facilitates blood flow where it is needed. " This attribute has made the drug an effective treatment for erectile dysfunction, but some doctors have started speculating it could also help mothers with placentas that do not easily deliver blood (and nutrients) to developing fetuses. The incurable condition, known as intrauterine growth restriction, leads to a delay in fetal growth that is usually detected at 20 weeks of pregnancy by ultrasound. The benefits of maternal sildenafil had already been observed in animal testing. "

The trial began in 2015 and was to be implemented by 2020, with more than 350 women from 10 hospitals in the Netherlands, half of Between them receiving sildenafil and the other half a placebo. Last week, when the trial was completed by an independent committee, 183 women participated and 93 received sildenafil. babies born to these women, 17 developed lung problems, and 11 died shortly after birth.

"We wanted to show that it was an effective way to promote baby's growth. But the opposite has happened. I am shocked. The last thing you want is to hurt patients, "said senior researcher Wessel Ganzevoort Gynecologist at the University of Amsterdam Medical Center, Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant .

Studies of past events in the United Kingdom and New Zealand had determined that no factor had been found to indicate that Viagra was helping to stabilize the weight of newborns.

For now, justice will have to take the case in hand, to determine whether or not there will be criminal measures for those responsible for this investigation and those who made it. implemented in pregnant women.

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