Victims of Karadima in free fall against Cardinal Errázuriz: complaint for false testimony ★


A lawsuit brought this Thursday by the victims of Fernando Karadima against the former archbishop of Santiago, Cardinal Francisco Javier Errázuriz, accused of concealing the badual violence committed by the powerful pastor of El Bosque.

The letter entered in front of the 8th Guarantee Court of Santiago, points out Cardinal Francisco Javier Errázuriz as the author of the crime of false testimony "to the degree of consumption, provided for and sanctioned in Article 209 of the Criminal Code, and against all those who are responsible as the perpetrators, accomplices or accomplices of the same crime. "

The complaint was filed by the lawyer Juan Pablo Hermosilla, representative of James Hamilton, José Andrés Murillo and Juan Carlos Cruz, and was brought to the center of the lawsuit that confronted them with the Catholic Church. Chilean, especially with the archdiocese of Santiago.

It should be recalled that the victims of Karadima filed a civil suit. against the ecclesiastical institution that is being treated by the ninth chamber of the Santiago Court of Appeal.

The court of appeal, after the transgression was notified, would make a decision in favor of the plaintiffs and sentenced the archdiocese to payment of $ 450 million, finally opted for the conciliation formula, which was rejected by the victims.

"We will fight as long as we have no recourse," said Juan Carlos Cruz, announcing that they would exhaust any case in this legal battle that they have with the church, as in testifies the presentation of this lawsuit.

Rectification of the Judiciary

In addition, the judiciary corrected information in the context of this procedure civil. According to the document published in the system dated October 18, the status of the case was originally "agree", with the presence of the three members of the ninth chamber of the court d & # 39; Call (Miguel Vásquez, Javier Moya and Lawyer Member Jaime Guerrero)

This concept of "concordance" prompted the weekend to broadcast a press release baduming that the court was not guilty of a court case. was pronounced in favor of the victims. This interpretation was later corrected in various public statements by President Miguel Vásquez and Appeal Court President Dobra Lusic, insisting that there is still no resolution.

However, in an update today, it is pointed out on October 25, "after committing an error in the certification because it does not match the". current status of the file, it remains without effect ", ie the cause is not consistent.

* Source: The counter

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