Victims of Karadima: This decision must mark the end of impunity


Juan Carlos Cruz, José Andrés Murillo and James Hamilton victims of the former priest Fernando Karadima, react with "a deep joy" after hearing that the Court of Santiago's appeal had ruled he sentenced the Archdiocese of Santiago for hindering the investigation against Fernando Karadima.

"The road was very long, fraught with difficulties and a high personal and family cost, but it was worth it"

Communicated by the Karadima case and condemns the. Archdiocese of Santiago for negligence @jccruzchellew @YverYactuar .

– José Andrée @JosAndrsMurillo) 21 October 2018

While acknowledging that it remains for them to read the text to know the details, they consider that "this decision should mark the end of impunity in terms of clerical badual abuse."

"The Strategies of the Chilean Church, especially Cardinals Ezzati and Errázuriz, to conceal the abuses, to protect the aggressors and silence the victims a strong response from the Chilean justice " they say.

They thus emphasize that "the Chilean State overtakes by justice, so that: whatever the power of an organization, everyone must answer for his actions, especially his It is responsible for the protection of children, adolescents and vulnerable persons. "

In this sense, they appreciate, " The Chilean justice and the Vatican, they are on the same line to end the culture of abuse and concealment, a culture in which cardinals are faithful representatives. "

" We are witnessing a important cultural change in which the abuses of the powerful begin to be unacceptable, and justice proves it, "said the statement, in which they recognize and appreciate the" courage "of all the victims in Chile and in the world who are at the origin of this cultural change. "

Hamilton: "It's Historic"

On a personal note, Hamilton insisted that is "historic, a milestone event in Chile ", and" I see this as a wonderful sign of a cultural and social change in Chile, as a huge opportunity where they begin to establish truths and responsibilities that are key to the country . "

Analyze this with the decision of the court of raised" it is established, as a first thing, that the Church is the guarantor of what bishops, priests and members of the clergy do ; you can no longer commit the crime of brutality or crime committed by one of its members, at least here in Chile. "

Hamilton, Cruz and Murillo's initial application in 2010 was dismissed at trial by the accused's limitation period, but last Thursday the ninth chamber of the Court of Appeal badessed new precedents in this case. case, including the letter of Cardinal Francisco Javier Errázuriz to the nuncio Giuseppe Pinto, sent in 2009, which distorted the trial Archdiocese of Santiago

Thus, the court established that the archdiocese was to pay 450 million pesos for the moral damages caused to the victims, the largest financial compensation in the course of which he has been compromised so far.

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