Video: He took out a pistol in the middle of the classroom and threatened the professor to have him come – 10/20/2018


Two 16-year-olds were arrested in France after playing in a video in which one of them was threatened with a gun against his teacher so that he could mark the presence to the clbad. It was later discovered that the weapon was false

The event took place last Thursday at the Edouard-Branly secondary school in Créteil, a suburb of Paris.

The video of this incredible moment was broadcast on social networks by another student in the clbad. "Hahaha! I'm in a crazy high school," said user @djeffchap on his Twitter account.

In the recording, you see how the young man points directly to the head of the teacher this surprises with his attitude: he practically ignores the student look elsewhere and ask him to return to his place. Meanwhile, he listens to his comrades laughing about the situation and even gesturing to the camera.

Three hours after the teacher denounced the threat, French police arrested a 16-year-old boy at his home. years as suspect of having introduced the gun replica in the institute, while the teenager who appears in the video holding the weapon, the same age, went to the police station accompanied by his father.

The two miners were still in custody Saturday at noon at the local police station . "It remains to find the student filming the scene," reveals a source close to the investigation.

On Twitter, the Minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, strongly condemned these "acts of threat against a teacher". He indicates that the police will be followed by "disciplinary sanctions"

I strongly condemn the acts of threat against a professor who arrived Thursday at the E. Branly high school of Créteil
The measures more stringent were taken taken custody, which will be followed by sanctions disciplines. Solidarity with the Professor

– Jean-Michel Blanquer (@jmblanquer) 20 October 2018

The video sparked political reactions from both the right and the far right. The Republican president of Ile-de-France, Valérie Pécresse, wrote on Twitter: "scandalized by this new act of violence committed by underage students", while asking for "exemplary sanctions".

Scandalise by this new act of violence Commensary by Lycée Francilien. I expect exemplary penalties! The region is located alongside educational communities and finance. Valérie Pécresse (@vpecresse) October 20, 2018

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