Video: Russia shot down a terrorist drone at its airbase in Syria


Social networks publish the first images of a rebellious drone shot down by Russian forces in the province of Latakia (northwestern Syria).

The Russian Air Force detects and then shoots down a set of small air targets a short distance northeast of Hmeimim Airport, in the coastal city of Yableh.

Images of a video posted on social networks show a group of Syrian soldiers carrying one of the drones shot on a truck near the city of Qardaha.

According to activists quoted by the Syrian media, the plane probably belonged to the so-called Free Syrian Army (ELS).

Also the same day of Monday, for the second time in the last. 24 hours, a group of armed men attacked Hmeimim air base with drones loaded with explosives, reports the Syrian press.

A Syrian military source explained that the Russian army activated the sirens of the anti-aircraft defense and then fired several missiles to intercept these armed drones that were allegedly deployed from the Al plain. -Ghaab southwest of Idlib. 19659003] At the end of December 2017, Russia established a permanent military contingent in Hmeimim and a naval base in the western port of Tartous. All the war material that Moscow has brought to Syria has been used in the anti-terrorist campaign in which he has been participating since September 2015, at the request of the government of Damascus.

Hmeimim Air Base and Tartous Naval Base in the Country The Arab countries were the target of terrorist attacks on January 6, using 13 unmanned aircraft. On this occasion, the Russian army managed to destroy seven drones and take control of the rest.

mkh / ktg / mjs

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