[VIDEO] Very serious! The Mapuche community denounced armed threats during a complete religious ceremony


The situation was denounced by Leufu Challupen Wallmapu against the winka usurper Gómez Guitterman.

In an uncontrollable situation, a religious ceremony of the Mapuche community of was completed by Leufu Challupen Wallmapu when a farmer apprehended the participants in the event with a gun.

According to the information provided by the community, the situation would have occurred because the family was: " frightened by winka usurping Gómez Guitterman who interrupts our ceremony by pointing and firing at least four times on Mapuche families to which children and elders participated . "[19659003] In addition, the communique states that:" The spiritual ceremony was organized by our traditional authorities on the shores of Lake Kalafken, specifically in the Leufu Challupen River, a site of cultural significance of the Mapuches, sheltered by the community and where this winka currently holds a usurped part of the riverbed endowed with Illegal tourist facilities and refuses access to Kalafken Lake ", Closed.


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