#Viraland Samsung asks millions of users to influence an iPhone


For sad stories, what just happened to Samsung's ambbadador to Russia, the famous former presidential candidate, Ksenia Sobchak, who is paid by the Korean manufacturer to promote his devices, but c & rsquo; It was a good idea to get on TV with an iPhone and now in front of a millionaire lawsuit.

#Viraland Reptilian YouTube memes and tweets

Ksenia Sobchak, who gained international notoriety as the only female candidate in the last presidential race, was hired by Samsung as the brand's ambbadador. Everything was a beautiful "romance", until a recent TV interview appeared with the help of an iPhone X, which even tries to cover a sheet of paper . But you know what the Internet looks like, so the picture became viral and began circulating all over the world.

Of course, the painful event happened to the ears of the rulers of Samsung and Sobchak must now claim 100 million rubles (the equivalent of $ 1.6 million) for breach of contract with the Korean.

The video was originally aired by the British digital newspaper The Mirror, which even calls Sobchak the "godchild" of Vladimir Putin. According to the report, this is not the first time that Ksenia is observed with her iPhone, she often appears at social events and public wearing the Apple device.

Ksenia Sobchak, at age 36, she alternates her political activity with careers as an actress and presenter in Russia. She is a real celebrity and has 5.8 million followers on Instagram and 1.5 million on Twitter.

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