Visit family or stroll, what Mexicans do on vacation


The summer has already arrived and the Mexicans are ready to enjoy these days of rest and relaxation.

Interestingly, most Mexicans 76%, plan to carry out two activities with their families, according to a survey conducted by Kantar Worldpanel México via the Internet.

Among the activities that the Mexicans planned to carry out these holidays the summer highlights visit the family with 36% and is the one who has no family outside the city where he lives?

31% intend to walk somewhere nearby. Exploring the Cities Where Pueblos Mágicos Has Become an Economical and Attractive Option

By contrast, 24% of Mexicans responded that they would do nothing special during their holidays . 19659003] Although most Mexicans who have plans are looking to leave the city, 23% will appreciate their community because they will organize entertainment and entertainment activities in the city.

19% answered that they would do another activity during 13

Of those who will go on a trip, the respondents replied that 8% would go to a tourist destination in another state of the Republic and 2% will travel to an attractive place. tourist outside the country.


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