Volkswagen fired, Renault is fighting in the lead of the year


In Colombia, 21,537 new cars were registered in October 2018, which is equivalent to an increase of 9.3% over the same month in 2017. Nearly 200,000 vehicles were registered during the year. last year.

In November, the first Andemos Colombia report on the behavior of the automotive market arrived in October. As indicated, the total number of registrations for the month reached 21,537 cars which represents a growth of 9.3% compared to the previous year, reaching the year-to-date 2018 to 197,260 units 2.9% more than in the first ten months of 2017.

The segment that behaved best last month was trucks with a load greater than 10.5 tons ] with a positive change of 80.3% followed by recovery with an increase of 26.7% sales and SUV with an increase of 12.7% . The smallest increase was in pbadenger cars, with growth of 6.7%.

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Renault Vs. Chevrolet: Grieving the Year

By brands, the strongest growth of the "Top 10" of October was that of Volkswagen with an increase of [689%] its sales to October 2017, expressed in 1,134 cars delivered to the public. Then come Mercedes-Benz and Toyota, with respective increases of 36.4% and 32.3%.

Still the first place was held by Renault with 4,472 units registered (+ 19.8%), moving away from more and more of Chevrolet which, at this occasion had recorded 3,880 new cars (-10,4%). Mazda was in third place with 1,964 units and growth of 27.4%, while Ford lost 7.8% with 1,199 registered vehicles.

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It should be noted that for the year cumulative Chevrolet leads with 39,551 units, but the difference with Renault n 39 is only 1 334 cars . That being the case, the auto show will be the definitive impetus to set the winning brand of first place in this year 2018.

Read also: Top 50 – Best Selling Cars in Colombia in September 2018

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Premium, hybrid and electric

For its part, the premium segment reached a total of 982 units with an interannual variation of 32 %. Jeep sales rose 228.6% in October (138 units), but Mercedes-Benz was in first place luxury cars with 316 parts delivered and an increase 50.5%.

With regard to hybrids and the electric, Kia reached the first place thanks to his Kia Niro Hybrid which registers 31 units consolidating as a resounding success in its segment. In October sales of this type of car increased by 863.6% which resulted in an increase of 228.3% this year.

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before the call "Financing Law" Andemos President, Oliverio García, set his position. "If, in the next tax reform, the current tariff of 5% VAT on hybrid and electric vehicles was abolished, Colombia would suffer a decline in terms of sustainable mobility it would be a measure contrary to the quality of Colombian life, "said the executive.

See also: Financial Financing of Hybrid and Electric Vehicles Act

  Car sales in Colombia August 2018, car sales in August 2018, Colombian car market August 2018, August car sales figures 2018 Colombia, Colombian car market 2018, motorcycle sales in Colombia August 2018, number of cars sold in Colombia in August 2018


In October, registered 49,927 new motorcycles in Colombia , representing a total of 457,492 units registered so far this year. That is to say an increase of 10.6% compared to the same period in 2017.

In the middle of the month, we will present the complete report with the cars the most sold of the month as usual to EL CARRO COLOMBIANO.

See also: Official Launch Guide of the 16th Bogota Motor Show 2018

Óscar Julián Restrepo Mantilla.

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