Walmart removes garments that demanded Trump's removal


  Walmart removes clothing that required the removal of Trump

The clothing in question was characterized by the inclusion of the slogan "rejects the 45", in clear reference to the current tenant of the White House , who is the 45th president of the country


Walmart decided to recall a clothing collection that advocated the removal of the president of United States Donald Trump This will spark a wave of criticism from the retail giant on social media, local media reported today.

These products were sold by a third party in our open sales area, but were not offered directly by Walmart. We remove this type of product and review the policies of our sales area, "said the company in a statement issued today by the channel Fox News .

The clothing in question is characterized by the inclusion of the motto "rejects the 45", in clear reference to the current tenant of the White House, who is the 45th president of the country.

Trump maintains the patriotic heroes of the United States in the celebration of July 4

.as certain sectors of the American population defend the opening of an impeachment process against Trump for the alleged conspiracy of his campaign team with the Russian government during the months leading up to the November 2016 presidential elections.

In fact, the President has been the subject of several investigations for several months, some of which are trying to determine if, once & # 039; 39 he took possession of the oval office, Trump tried to impede the FBI's investigations into the alleged Russian interference, which, if confirmed, could force his dismissal

However, d & # 39; Other sectors of society consider that all these investigations are, in fact, a "witch hunt" " as usually held by Trump himself.

That is why, noting that Walmart was marketing this controversial collection of clothing, many users were using social networks to call for boycotting the company under the #BoycottWalmart label, which in a few hours became a " subject trend "in the social network.


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