Warning! Five Symptoms That Prevent Prostate Cancer – NATIONAL – The Industry


Detecting prostate cancer in its initial phase allows for more recovery options. Know what are the warning symptoms.

Detecting prostate cancer in its initial phase allows for more recovery options. According to the League Against Cancer, in our country, there are approximately 4,000 new cases of prostate cancer each year and about 2,000 men die of this disease.

This disease is detected mainly in older men. About six out of ten cases are diagnosed in men 65 years or older, and occur very rarely before the age of 40.

Therefore, the League Against Cancer recommends to carry out preventive examinations and be aware of any symptoms that might be a sign of prostate cancer. Here are five of them:

Urination Problems as well as a slow and weakened urinary flow or need to urinate more frequently, especially at night, is the first warning symptom, for both benign (Prostatic Hyperplasia) and malignant (Prostate Cancer) disease.

Bleeding at the time of urination may be a symptom badociated with cancer of the prostate or other urinary tract organ.

Blood in sperm or urine. Any trace of blood in the sperm or urine should also be considered a symptom.

Weakness, numbness and sometimes swelling of the legs or legs. feet, can also be a warning signal for possible prostate cancer.

Pain in the Hips The spine and / or thorax may be symptoms that show that a prostate cancer is spreading to the bones.

It should be noted that some of these symptoms may also be caused by other diseases and not necessarily prostate cancer. Even so, it is important to inform your doctor if you have any of these symptoms so that the cause of the symptoms is detected and if necessary.

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