Water and Sanitation Award for Latin America and the Caribbean FEMSA and IDB


The Inter-American Development Bank and the FEMSA Foundation are seeking entrepreneurs for water supply solutions throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. The laureates will be able to receive up to $ 15,000 to fund their idea.

The award recognizes innovative solutions in the areas of water, sanitation and solid waste in the region. Pixabay

For nine years, the Interamerican Desarrollo (IDB) and the FEMSA Foundation invite entrepreneurs and innovators from Latin America and the Caribbean to share with them their proposals for improving management water and solid waste in the area. Since then, the best ideas receive rewards that allow their creators to realize them.

On July 5, the two entities announced the opening of their appeal for this year, which will end on July 15. According to a statement, "Innovative solutions in Latin America and the Caribbean can participate in the areas of water, sanitation and solid waste."

Although the idea is to promote and support the entrepreneurs of the sector, the ideal is who postulates …

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