We Evaluate – Open Source Journalism


By Orlando Rojas Pérez – Telefónica and Ericsson did in Bogotá, in front of us, tests and demonstrations of 5G with a data transfer record in Colombia of 27 Gb per second, but the most spectacular is that They are not made with prototypes. Special equipment, used commercial equipment that any Ericsson customer can purchase at the end of the year. As radio receivers, they adapted the radio bases and configured them to function as radios. The tests were conducted in the 28 GHz band which already corresponds to the millimeter band – to be able to use and support the innovative functions that 5G technology supports.


Fabián Hernández

Fabián Hernández, CEO of Telefónica in Colombia, said: " In the same way that we were pioneers in the deployment of the 4.5G network in Colombia, we want – with Ericsson – test the benefits of a new generation in mobile networks such as 5G, which will enable our customers in the future to download data, real-time applications, virtual reality games, the Real-time interaction of services using the cloud and greater development in mbadive IoT, at ultra-high speeds, that until recently we thought impossible ".

Andres Quintero

Andres Quintero – General Manager of Ericsson Colombia – adds: " the test we performed in Colombia is very relevant to what comes with 5G technology.This technological leap will open opportunities that it is not yet possible to fully sizing.Customers will enjoy new applications, such as augmented reality and 4K video streaming, and industries will benefit from innovative applications of the Internet of Things – IoT – such as intelligent transport and remote medical badistance, which will create great opportunities We hope that 5G technology will be marketed in 2019 worldwide, and this test is another step to prepare Colombia for next-generation mobile technology . "

5G technology will bring much more novelties and uses than 2G technologies -voice + Short Text Messages-, 3G phones with Internet connection that allow browsing for websites-, 4G -see videos and exponential growth of data traffic-. With the 5G, each terminal will allow access to all content, countless new business opportunities will be presented in all industries. The machine connections will be mbadive, some critical missions, fixed and wireless connections will be combined. The terminals will drop in price. Radio terminals and bases will optimize energy efficiency. The efficiency of the spectrum will multiply x #. There will be 100 times more terminals. New bands up to 60 GHz or higher will be used. In 2019, the first terminals covering the high bands will be released. In the year 2020, the first IoT devices covering the high bands will be launched.

– The current data traffic will be multiplied by x8.
– There will be 8.9 billion mobile phone subscribers.
– There will be 31,000 million devices IoT

See note:

  Another ranking that cracks Colombia: Preparation

Another ranking that cuts in Colombia: Preparation for 5G and IoT
Ranked seventh in Latin America
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