"We have a very good relationship with Argentina"


During his tour in the south of the country, President Sebastián Piñera badured that he "had very good relations with Argentina" and stressed that "I wish to bring calm and peace tranquility ", after two incidents that highlighted the diplomatic relations between the two countries.

"These two incidents have occurred, and we are very aware of this, that no one changes or affects Chilean sovereignty," said the president of the Aysén region.

The first problem arose after the publication of a map presenting an inventory of transandin glaciers, where the territory is included.

"The more accurate the scale, the clearer the boundaries are, and therefore Argentina has a scale and Chile has another scale, but that does not mean that it's displayed on a map of Argentina means that Chile has ceded any glacier, "said the head of state.

The second incident corresponds to the entrance of an Argentine military patrol that entered an area of ​​Campos de Hielo Sur which is bounded but not demarcated.

Chilean military patrols have also done many times. This is not new and there is tacit agreement, but it does not affect Chile's rights in this area, "said the President.

During his visit today, Today, the President presented a regional development plan for Aysén. "It is a program that relies on great wealth, on the major drivers of the region," he said.

According to details, the initiatives are focused on infrastructure, health, environment, education and security.In addition, the president stressed the economic potential of the region in the areas of tourism, fishing , agriculture and mining.

"We want to form a strong strategic alliance between the central government, the regional government, the communal governments, parliamentarians and the community and the forces of Aysén, for Aysén to take off, "said the President in an act of subv

In infrastructure and connectivity, the program plans the paving of 120 kilometers of Route 7

On the other hand, it is planned to greatly modernize the health infrastructure, including the new hospital of Chile, and carry out the renovation of the Cochrane Hospital, as well as increase the number of specialist doctors.

To fight pollution in Coyhaique and other municipalities in the region, such as Puerto Aysén and Cochrane, actions will be implemented to reduce emissions. pollutants with better resources and better infrastructure in homes.

In the field of education, Aysén will expand its network of bicentennial secondary schools, with the aim of benefiting mainly schools with medium-level technical and vocational education, with a view to establishing a standard of quality.

In terms of security, the number of police vehicles will increase and the rifle police stations will be renewed.

"We are very committed, enthusiastic and hope that we will write together the most beautiful pages of this beautiful region of Aysén," highlighted the president.

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