"We will rape them": Feusach rejects anonymous and misogynistic threats against feminist strike


The president of Feusach – Student Federation of the University of Santiago de Chile, Juan Pablo de la Torre, categorically rejected the content and the spirit of a violent pamphlet signed by a group of calling it "anti feminists."

the statements are unacceptable in our University and we will take the corresponding measures as FEUSACH The mobilization that has been extended for nearly two months by our companions, has been beneficial for all, as we seek to eradicate the patriarchal logic and badists of Our Usach is not just a problem of women, but the whole community, "said the student leader of the social network Facebook, corroborating the veracity of the apocryphal document.

" Writings like this can not go unpunished and it is necessary to rejection more absolute to this type of violent and misogynistic acts that encourage hatred and VIOLATION in our University, "expressed the

The aforementioned message on Facebook has generated a series reactions, not only from the student community, but also from the citizens who were in favor and against the strike which was extended by two in this university center.


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