Website to register and receive $ 7,000 of comfort has received ten million views


Yesterday began the process of registration to obtain compensation of 7,000 pesos for the collusion of toilet paper through the site MiCompensació, which received ten million visits as reported by the National Consumer Service (Sernac).

The director of the agency, Lucas del Villar in addition to stressing that the process is carried out calmly, called the people to do not give information to third parties or bank keys at the time of registration.

"The recommendation is that people are accessing from the browser, put Micompensació, have their ID at hand, because many Sometimes they ask for the verification number that appears on the identity card , but in addition they ask them and they must click on "I'm not a robot", which is a basic security measure to access this platform "or, as published Cooperativa

Recall that registration on the aforementioned site is only necessary for those who are not beneficiaries of the IPS, ex-INP or who have an electronic check account or CuentaRUT of BancoEstado .

The only conditions required to complete the process are being 18 years of age on May 31, 2018 and his current national identity card [19659002] The process will continue until September 30 and, in the event of non-registration, it will be understood that the person waives this compensation.

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