Western Australia Approves Albemarle's Lithium Plant


Western Australia approves the Lithium Plant of Albemarle

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The Government of Western Australia has approved the plans of Albemarle, based in the United States. UU., To build a lithium manufacturing plant in the state.

The plant will produce up to 100,000 t / year of lithium hydroxide monohydrate from five 20,000 t / y process trains and will produce up to 1, one million tonnes of residues per year is expected to generate more than 500 jobs in the construction sector and up to 500 permanent jobs.

"The first priority of my Government is to diversify the economy and create jobs for Western Australia .These milestones like these support our efforts to improve the economy of the United States. Western Australia and increase employment opportunities, "said Premier Mark McGowan.

"The Albemarle Lithium Plant is a new step in establishing its activities for hundreds of local jobs."

The construction of these trains will be carried out at over the next ten years with the construction of the first trains that will start in 2018. The plant will process the spodumene ore concentrate supplied by the Talison mine at Greenbushes, the largest source of spodumene ore concentrate in the south. hemisphere

Once built, the Albemarle Kemerton plant will be the second largest lithium hydroxide manufacturing plant to invest in Western Australia in two years.

"The state is one of the world's leading producers of Western Australia has a plentiful supply of lithium and other battery minerals, so it is vital to maximize the opportunities this industry offers, upstream and downstream. downstream, to Western Australians, "said McGowan.

Earlier this year, the state government set up a working group on lithium-energy-based materials industry in order to take advantage of the unique resources of the &-ressources ressources ressources ressources ressources ressources ressources ressources [[[[Stateandgrowthofthelithium-ionbatteryindustry

The working group works through the government and in close collaboration with the industry and research organizations to develop a strategy on lithium and energetic materials that opens up the potential of the world. State in the sector, offers local jobs and offers economic diversification and benefits communities. Regional




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