"What a skate!": They find the largest dinosaur foot in the world


The footprints of a giant animal nicknamed "Bigfoot" found in 1998 in the Black Hills, currently famous for its tourist attractions such as the mining town of Deadwood or Mount Rushmore (USA), correspond to the largest dinosaur foot found up to now, specifically from brachiosaurus.

This is confirmed by four institutional palonologists in Germany, the United States, the Netherlands, Portugal and Switzerland, in a study published in the journal "PeerJ". Brachyiosaurs roamed the Earth more than 150 million years ago and belonged to the family Sauropoda characteristic of having long necks and large tails.

These giant herbivorous dinosaurs, such as brontosaurs and diplodocus, were the largest terrestrial animals that ever existed on Earth.

The foot described in the new study was excavated by an expedition in which Anthony Maltese of the University of Kansas (United States) was a part. It was almost one meter wide and was an extremely large animal, so the specimen was nicknamed Bigfoot

  The largest dinosaur foot It would belong to a brachiosaurus, a long-necked herbivorous giant similar to Thinsktock [19659007] Now, after detailed preparation and badysis, an international team of researchers has identified it as belonging to an animal closely related to the Braqhiosaurs, famous for their appearance in the film 'Jurbadic Park', Directed by Steven Spielberg and released in 1993.

Anthony Maltese, Emanuel Tschopp, Femke Holwerda and David Burnham used 3D scanning and detailed measurements to compare the foot of 'Bigfoot'. with the sauropod of many species. His research confirms that this foot was unusually large

. According to Holwerda, a PhD student at the University of Munich (Germany), comparisons with other sauropod feet have shown that 'Bigfoot' is the most important source of information. was clearly the largest dinosaur foot ever discovered

He also confirmed that the braqhiosaurs inhabited a vast area from east Utah to northwest Wyoming, there are 150 millions of years. "It is surprising, many other sauropods have inhabited smaller regions during this time," says Tschopp, a Swiss paleontologist who works at the American Museum of Natural History in New York.

"There are traces and other incomplete skeletons of Australia and Argentina, which seems to be larger animals, but these gigantic skeletons have been found without their feet, this beast was clearly one of the largest that they have ever walked in North America, "says Tschopp., id) {
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