What are the dangers of sleeping near the cell phone?


It is recommended not to have it in your pocket, not to place it near the ear for an extended period of time and not to sleep near the ear at night

The Department of California Public Health ( CDPH ) issued a warning against the radiological hazards of cell phones . "Although science is still evolving, there are concerns among some health professionals. public health and the general public on the long-term exposure and high-energy use emitted by cell phones, "said CDPH director Karen Smith .

A year ago, the professor at the University of Berkeley, Joel Moskowitz launched a request for the department to disclose the results after he began investigating whether the company was in charge. use of mobile phones increased the risk of developing tumors . A draft of the document was published in March 2017, but the final version is more complete.

"Mobile phone manufacturers want you to maintain a minimum distance from your body and you should know ] what is this distance ," Moskowitz told the station KCRA local information shortly after the project was released. "If you keep the device close to your body, it will exceed the safety limits provided by the FCC," he said.

According to the website of the Federal Communications Commission, there is no developed standard for the limits of security .

However, the agency requires that cell phone manufacturers ensure that all phones adhere to the "objective limits for safe exposure".

The CRPD recommends not to have the phone in his pocket not to place it near the ear for an extended period, and not to sleep near him at night.

that if in a automobile the bus or train moves quickly, the phone will emit more radiofrequency energy to maintain the connection.

Other organizations also warned of the dangers of radiation exposure from cell phones, including the Connecticut Department of Public Health, which issued similar recommendations in May 2015

However, Moskowitz argues that most health agencies state and federal agencies have not followed the investigation. "Research indicates that mobile phone radiation poses a significant health risk," he said in a statement.

Of the risks that CDPH consider possible due to the proximity of the mobile phone, the following:

– Risk of developing brain tumors

– Neoplasms in the acoustic nerve and salivary glands

– Low sperm count

– Headache, migraines.

] – Sleep problems.

– Constant fatigue.

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