What care does a Parkinson's patient need?


Being a neurodegenerative disease that affects the nervous system in a chronic and progressive way, it is characterized by the loss of neurons in the substantia nigra, a structure located in the middle part of the brain. This leads to a lack of dopamine in the body, a substance necessary to be able to perform the movements normally. Hence, uncontrolled movements in these patients. It can also lead to stiffness and resting tremors.

The truth is that the care of a patient with Parkinson's disease may require a lot of energy and willpower. The priority of caregivers will be to improve the quality of life of these patients. Psychological problems will also need to be addressed as these patients tend to isolate and become depressed.

Essential Care

Listen to the patient and the specialists who are caring for him. know how to act properly and according to the needs of each individual with this condition.

It is important to try that these people can lead a life as normal as possible and healthy. The rhythms of each patient must be respected and know how to accompany and guide them so that they know their illness, their limitations and their problems.

That these people stay active is another important point. Therefore, they should be encouraged to take advantage of physical exercise and rehab therapies. Other activities such as tai chi, music therapy, pilates, mbadage or chiropody are alternatives that can help relieve discomfort and disconnect.

Another important tip is to make sure that the patient has maximum autonomy. Trying to be able to do your housework and some daily personal tasks that are in your ways will be of great help. In this way, they will feel useful and this may be the key to keeping them from feeling sad and isolated.

The space in which they live should also be adapted to their needs. Depending on the advance of the disease, handles and handles may be needed in places like the bathroom and the room. It is the specialists who will indicate how to act in this regard.

Finally, it should be noted that the advice is to share the care of a patient of this nature among relatives, friends or specialized technicians, as their care can be exhausting. Taking care of these people and being aware of so much detail can lead to physical and mental fatigue, so it is best to have a limited day in this task.

/ psg

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