What do the fingers of female sexuality reveal


EDITING .- Women whose left index finger and ring finger have different lengths are more likely to be bads, according to a study by the University of 39; Esbad published on the BBC.

"For each bad, this proportion may be lower among those who have been exposed to higher levels of androgens and who have been attracted to women than those who have been exposed to lower levels of bad. androgens who were attracted to men.We looked at these models in identical twins whose badual orientation was discordant, "says the study.

Scientists measured the fingers of 18 pairs of identical twins, a heterobadual and the other homobadual. The comparison revealed that the bad twins had the index finger and ring finger of different sizes, a typical male trait, but that in their case, this only occurred in the left hand.

"Because these twins are genetically identical, the differences in prenatal exposure to androgens, reflected by the different proportions of finger length, could contribute to their discordance." For 18 twin-bad couples, non-heterobadual twins (bibadual or bad) had significantly lower proportions or more masculinized than their heterobadual counterparts, but only in the left hand, "says the Esbad study.

The study indicates that differences in finger length between heterobadual and homobadual twins could be due to the exposure of more testosterone in the uterus.

Scientists also measured the fingers of 14 pairs of identical twins. men, where, as in women, one was homobadual and the other heterobadual, but all they showed, was that "the homobadual and bibadual twins had, contrary to our prediction, finger length proportions more masculinized than their co-twin heterobadual twins, but this difference was not significant. "

Men and women were exposed to the same. "male" hormone. Testosterone, in utero, but some may be more exposed than others, explained the scientists.

"Because identical twins, who share 100% of their genes, may differ in their badual orientations, other factors also of genetics should explain the differences," the British newspaper said. Project author, Dr. Tuesday Watts, Department of Psychology, University of Esbad. "Research suggests that our baduality is determined in utero and depends on it adds that people exposed to higher levels testosterone are more likely to be bibadual or homobadual, "he adds.

"Because of the relationship between hormone levels and the difference in the length of the fingers, looking at someone's hands might provide a clue to their baduality," he says. 19659010] (function (d, s, id) {
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