What do the letters written by children trapped in Thailand say?


Children trapped in a cave in Thailand for two weeks now have a message to the world: "We are strong."

A series of handwritten letters was their first message to their families after they entered the Tham Luang cave in northern Thailand on June 23 and could not get out of it.

"Mom, dad, I love you, I'm fine, do not worry," writes one of the children of 11 and 16, in one of the letters that the divers of rescue sent to parents and were published this Saturday on Facebook by the Thai Navy

"Do not worry about me, I'm safe," wrote one of the children sent letters after have received messages from their families and after efforts have failed this week to install a phone line inside. Cave.

Cheers, food and forgiveness

Most children try to calm their parents, order their favorite foods, and point out that things are going well.

"Nick wants mum and dad.If I manage to leave, mum and dad please bring me to eat mookatha (a Thai barbecue)."

The youngest of all, Chanin Wibulrungruang (Tun), 11, says, "Daddy and mom, do not worry, I'm fine, please tell brother Yod to get ready to take me to the chicken shop I love them! "

" I'm fine, but the air is cold, do not worry, but do not forget my birthday party, "says Duangphet Promthep

] One of the divers who takes care of them in the cave captures the message of the whole group in another manuscript.

"Children say do not worry. When they leave, they want to eat a lot of things, and once they want to go home, teachers do not give them a lot of work please! "

On the other hand, the young trainer 25 years old who is Naked with the children at the cave, Ekkapol Chantawong, took the opportunity to apologize to the parents. "Dear parents, now everything is fine.The rescue team treats us all very well and I promise to take care of them in the best way possible."

"Thank you to everyone who came I also sincerely apologize to the parents of the children, "says the coach

Previously, in parent's letters published on the Facebook page of the local authorities, several families told Chantawong that Blamed for what happened

"Dads and moms are not mad at you. Thank you for helping to take care of the children, "says one.

" Tell Coach Ake: Do not think too much. We are not angry with him, said another.

What is the situation inside the cave?

The 12 miners and their football coach entered the cave, the fourth largest in Thailand, after a training session and they were surprised by a strong storm, which flooded the cavity and cut off his exit to the outside.

The 12 miners and their football coach have been trapped since 23 June. They entered the cave after training (Photo: Facebook / Ekatol)

After 10 days have disappeared, two British divers, who are part of the international rescue team, found on some kind of # 39; dry island, about 4 kilometers from the entrance of the caves, they had survived.

Now the challenge is to get them out of there.

Since they were found, Thai and international teams provided them with food, oxygen and medical attention

On Friday, we He was worried more and more about the drop in the level of oxygen in the cavity, which went from 21% to 15%.

But later, the Thai authorities said they managed to install The danger they faced was clear when this week a diver, a former member of the Thai Navy's elite corps, died in [19659003] Teams are fighting against the clock to keep children safe while waiting for weather forecasts: monsoon rains are expected this weekend, threatening to further flood the cave.

Initially, the authorities had planned to let the 13 children inside the cave wait until the end of the rainy season, which would have meant that they would stay there until four month.

However, with decreasing levels of oxygen, other rescue plans are being evaluated.

Friday, a governor of the Chiang Rai area, where the cave is, explains that children have enough strength to walk but not to swim Be safe

Narongsak Osotthanakorn noted that children's health "Is" improved "and is now normal, and divers who have come to them continue to teach them the basics of diving and breathing techniques

. Rescue teams dig more than a hundred holes in the rock to try to reach the group by another more direct route.

There are 18 promising holes, the deepest of 400 meters, but Narongsak explained that it was not sure, if by that he would reach the teens because it is believed that they are 600 meters deep.

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