What is dysanyia and why could it be the reason you do not want to get up in the morning? Health | The magazine


We all experienced this moment of the morning when the alarm goes off and you can not get up from bed. But what if this moment were repeated every day?

You may have dysanyia.

It is not the same as being sleepy or lazy.

"Dysania is a little-known term used to describe people who can not get up in the morning ," says Dr. Mark Salter of the College of Psychiatrists of the United Kingdom. BBC Three. "This is a behavior that can be observed in people with major depressive disorder ."

Dysania does not feel more tired than usual in the morning: it is a chronic inability to get up from bed.

Sufferers may stay in bed for several days and be anxious to get up

. They may also experience the urgent need to return to bed once they have risen.

Dysania may be a symptom of an underlying disease such as depression.

How to identify it

According to experts, dysomania is a symptom of something physical, emotional or psychological – does not work properly.

Therefore, it is unlikely that this disease will be diagnosed alone.

It is generally considered a symptom of an underlying disease such as chronic depression or fa tiga.

To determine whether a person has dysanemia or tinnitus (a related term referring to the desire to stay in bed all day), Dr. Salter should first rule out any potential problem. Physics

Next, I would ask the patient what other symptoms he feels. This could lead to a diagnosis of depression.

"Depression can affect the body in different ways," says Dr. Salter. " Sleep disorders, lethargy and morning waking morning are physical symptoms of depression."

If you can not sleep, avoid using your cell phone. the bed

"People suffering from severe depression, for example, may not be able to raise their hands to drink a glbad of water," says the expert.

But if you have no other symptom than this one wanting to get out of bed, maybe you get very sick in the morning

How to fight against lethargy [19659010] If you are not sure that your lethargy is the symptom of a more serious illness, try changing your sleep habits

First, try to adjust your time to sleep. Most adults need six to nine hours

Exercise when you get up in the morning and try to go to bed every night at the same time

Relaxation is essential: try to calm down before going to bed. sleep with a relaxing bath or light exercise, such as yoga stretching.

Do not forget to eliminate distractions like cell phones and laptops.

Sex or masturbation is another way to relax: Unlike other physical activities, bad makes you feel sleepy.

If, after all this, you still feel anxious or depressed when getting out of bed, consult your doctor.

May You may feel that you are just a lazy person, but you will never know unless you have a criticism. (I)

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