What is Poe's Law and Other Curious Rules of Our Behavior on the Internet | International | news


As the authorities of the planet unravel trying to find a way to control the Internet through laws that have a chance to be accepted and serve something, there are others laws that appeared with use and very little discussed

However, the latter are fundamentally different from the first. Although they call laws, they are only in the same sense as "Murphy's Law". You remember?

He is the one who, after several transformations, stayed: "If something goes wrong, it'll go wrong" and we remember when, for example, we drop a slice of bread

Of this nature are the laws on the Internet which we are going to talk about.

In fact, one of the laws of the law is Skitt's Law which is Murphy's Law is adapted to the Web and reads as follows: "Any publication that corrects an error in another publication will contain at least one error. "

As you can see, it is the laws that cause the most discomfort … it's Murphy's Law!

As you can see, these are informal and unofficial laws. They are also the result of an observation and, although they are not always completed, they occur often enough for academics, lawyers, historians, writers and writers to Others have formulated them.

They are generally used. describe a content or behavior, without it being necessary to discuss or debate it, sometimes even with a sense of humor. You would say, for example, "This comment obeys Skitt's law."

Let's start with one of the best known:

1. Godwin's Law

"As an online discussion continues, the likelihood of a comparison in which Hitler or the Nazis are mentioned tends to be reduced to 1."

The more we talk about it, the closer we get to the Nazis or Hitler.

It is closely related to the logical error " reductio ad Hitlerum ", which says "Hitler (or the Nazis) loved X, then X is bad."

was formulated by attorney Mike Godwin in 1990. Originally, he was not saying "Internet" but "usenet" – a global system of internet chat – but

Godwin has invented the idea of ​​the same internet, and his law belongs to this category, as he explained in a 1994 Wired magazine article.

"One meme" – of course, is an idea that works in the spirit in the same way that a gene or virus works in the body. one (call it "viral meme") can go from one mind to another, just as a virus pbades from one body to another, "he said.

"When a meme succeeds, he can crystallize entire schools of thought," he wrote.

Godwin used the same "black hole" as an example, quoting physicist Brandon Carter, who wrote: "Things changed dramatically when John Wheeler coined the term [agujero negro]. Everyone adopted it and, from that moment, people all over the world (…) knew that they were talking about the same thing. "

" Once the same "black hole" has become commonplace, it has become a useful source of metaphors for everything from illiteracy to deficit, "explained Godwin.

As the online discussion lengthens, it is likely that a comparison will appear in which Hitler or the Nazis are mentioned. "Godwin's Law

For him, his law was a countermeasure created for counter the principle of comparison with the Nazis, which was powerful. for being inflammatory but negative, because it cut the thread of interesting debates.

This is why he devoted himself to introducing it into all the discussions in which he found a free reference to the Nazis. He soon realized that other people were doing it and that the meme started to reproduce itself.

And not only that: his countermeasure, like a virus, began to mutate …

  • Corollary of Sircar : If the Usenet discussion relates to homobaduality or to Heinlein, the Nazis or Hitler are mentioned within 3 days.
  • Corollary of Van der Leun : As global connectivity improves, the probability that the Nazis are on the network tends to be 1.

Your article is ends by calling "engage in engineering" memetics: create good memes to chase the bad guys. "

2. Poe's Law

" Without emoticon or other obvious humor, it is absolutely impossible to parody an idea without confusing it with a sincere opinion. "

[1945] 19659004] Sometimes emoticons are essential

In reality and unfortunately, it is difficult to distinguish extremism from the satire of extremism on the Internet unless the author clearly states his intention., Given the extremes that extremism can achieve.

As the urban dictionary explains in 2006: "Also Strange as is the parody of a fundamentalist, there may still be someone who will not understand what a parody is. , having seen similar ideas seriously expressed by true religious / political fundamentalists. "

The main corollary of Poe's law refers to the reverse phenomenon, according to which what a fundamentalist says it sounds so incredible that people badume it's a joke.

According to the urban dictionary: "It is impossible to make an act of fundamentalism that someone does not confuse with a parody."

3. Cunningham's Law

"The best way to To obtain a correct answer on the network is not to ask the question but to publish a false answer. "

If you publish an error, many users will be willing to correct you.

The law was named in honor of Ward Cunningham, the father of the name and of the concept of wiki that he described as "The simplest online database that can work. "

The term comes from Hawaiian and means" fast. "It refers to the name given to a virtual community whose pages are edited directly from the browser and where the same users create, modify, correct or delete the content that they usually share (as the entry explains on Wiki in the biggest wiki: Wikipedia).

But the author of the law was the colleague of Cunningham on Steven Steven McGeady, who reports or that the best and most well-known evidence that this law is true is Wikipedia.

Some more …

4. Exclamation Law: "The greater the number of exclamation points used in an e-mail (or other publication) is large, the more likely it is that a lie will be complete." The same goes for the use excessive capital letters. " [19659004] 5. Danth's Law: "If a person has to insist on the network that has won an argument, it is likely that this person has lost the debate."

6. Rule 34: "If there is, there is badgraphy" . See also Rule 35 : "If such badgraphy does not exist, it will be done."

7. Pommer's Law: "The opinion of a person may change depending on the information that he reads on the Internet." The nature of the change will be : not to have opinion to be wrong opinion. 8 Haig Law: "The ugliness of a web page pattern is directly proportional to the insanity of its content and its creator."

9. Streisand Effect: "Anyone trying to censor or hide information on the network ends up making it even more popular" (I)

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