What is the coldest place on Earth and why does it have such low temperatures? Trade | Technology and science | Science


The coldest place on the surface of the Earth broke its own record.

It turns out that the small valleys located on the Antarctic Ice Sheet recorded temperatures of -98 ° C, say, five degrees less than what was estimated up to Here, according to a study published in the scientific journal Geophysical Research Letters.

Scientists announced in 2013 the discovery of the site with the lowest temperatures on Earth, thanks to the launch of several satellites of observation of the planet.

There were several points on the eastern Antarctic Plateau a region where there is abundant snow, where the South Pole is also found and where temperatures of -93 ° C have been recorded,

now researchers have used new data to conclude that the temperatures are even lower and that they are observed during the night of the South Pole, fundamental spirit in July and August.

— How is this possible? —

In the previous study, the experts explained the conditions necessary for the temperatures to drop as dramatically.

And they concluded that light winds and clear skies are not the only key factors; also plays a crucial role crucia extremely dry winds, which must be maintained for several days.

To achieve the new results, the experts observed small depressions or shallow holes the Antarctic Ice Sheet, where cold, dense, and descending air accumulates at the surface and can remain there for several days

so that the surface and air above cool even more, that clear, calm and dry conditions decompose and that the air mixes with warmer air in the atmosphere.

"In this area we see periods of incredibly dry air, and this allows the heat of the surface of the snow it radiates into the space more easily," says Ted Scambos, lead author of the Study, in a statement

— Can you say more? —

The new record of -98 ° C could be beaten again if the necessary environmental conditions were kept constant for several weeks, although Scambos considers that it is very improbable.

In this case, the team of researchers are already working on the design of instruments allowing them to survive and work in places even colder, and measure the temperature of the air and snow.

Experts expect that these means of years

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