What is the project that seeks to increase vacations?


On Thursday, a group of opposition MPs presented to Congress a bill to reduce working time from 45 to 40 hours a week and from To increase the holidays from 15 to 20 legal days, by the modification of the Labor Code.

The initiative sponsored by the chairman of the Labor Committee of the Lower House, Gastón Saavedra (PS) would offer a series of unexpected benefits. Customized only, but focused on complete family development explained the parliamentarian in T13 Night .

As indicated, in the member countries of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Chile ranks fifth in terms of the number of hours worked . That is, our country adds 221 hours more than the OECD average .

This is why this project was born, presented before the Congress, and seeks to generate benefits in these arguments, Gastón Saavedra declares that with the reduction of working time, there will be more time for rest, for recreation to allow the family to meet. when it ends at a work day. "

Which would lead to fight against the difficulties concerning family relations, because at the moment" the working hours are excessive and there are therefore the main gaps "to take into account, with a greater l & # 39; interiority, of what is happening with sons or daughters in their personal and student reality.

Another benefit would be an increase in employment as the deputy explains. , the reduction of hours of work would require the creation of other work teams, thus the hiring of additional staff

In addition, as a collateral effect of the project, could reduce the number of medical licenses for psychiatric illnesses or stress, which would clearly be a positive element for the development of the enterprise.

In addition, the parliamentarian explained that if the bill was approved, the re hours of work would be automatic and immediate . However, the application of the increase in the number of vacation days would follow a gradual process.

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