What is the "Vomiting Fraud" that affects Uber's clients?


A very unpleasant and expensive surprise is what some Uber users around the world have won.

This is what is called "vomit fraud".

Newspaper and social media publications have testified to this act of bad faith in which Uber drivers charge extra for the cleaning of their vehicles.

According to the victims, once they made a trip to Uber, they received a notice in which they made an "adjustment" of the rate that they had to pay.

A cleaning fee was included because the interior was dirty

Even many drivers present photos as evidence.

A woman in Melbourne, Australia, made a nine-minute trip during which she had a good conversation with the driver

. "Uber trusts the images of the drivers and we do not know when they were caught," said the woman. on the Australian News site.

The cleaning tax appears as an "adjustment" of the tax initially paid by the user

"I believe this is "Is fraudulent, it's his word against him Yours, it's ridiculous.Do we have to become a world in which we have to take pictures of everything to cover our backs?", S & # 39; He complains.

Although their Uber claim was successful, the drivers who According to a woman interviewed in the United States by the Miami Herald, they made accusations: "They've been doing it for a long time and so many times that people do not check their emails or credit card statements, drivers end up earning $ 80. dollars or $ 150, "explains unidentified woman

What are the rules of Uber?

In response to BBC World, a spokesman for Uber said that the company was aware of these frauds., but badured that they affect very little of the 15 million trips per day that the application serves.

"The vast majority of cleanup expense reports are Legitimately the result of someone who makes a "In cases where we find a confirmed case of fraud, we take appropriate action, including removing the driver from the application," he added.

The truth is that drivers have the right to claim damages caused by customers.

Drivers have the right to make a claim for payment for cleaning that is necessary because of the user

The Cleaning fees vary from country to country, but on its website, Uber indicates the fees that users may be subject to in the event of such incident.

In Mexico, rates vary between $ 10 and $ 60 maximum, depending on the type of damage. The charge in Colombia ranges from $ 4 and up to $ 27. And in Uruguay, there is a single tax of $ 25.

In the United States, they range from $ 20 to $ 150, the latter rate being applied when there are "significant amounts of body fluids (urine, blood or vomit) in the interior.

What can be done?

The way Uber proposes to claim an incorrect or unfair cleaning fee is through the request help button itself and "If a user sees an error in the charges, he should inform him immediately, "said Uber spokesman at the BBC News

Care @uber_df cleaning up $ 1,200 for a woman who vomited early in the morning and I I took it at 9 o'clock pic.twitter.com/ThKnWAFcrs

– azu cervantes (@candy_zu) 9 October 2015

But the return of money only comes when the user has made a claim for the cleaning costs of the

Some victims have said that they should put pressure on Uber to get a positive response. Others have chosen to go to their bank and request the rejection of the payment, with which their Uber account is canceled.

The Miami Herald found a user named William Kennedy who claims to have been a victim of fraud twice in the past. The same night.

"It was a total fraud of two different drivers, they planned everything," Kennedy said.

Consumer Defense fined $ 200,000 Uber the application of "unfair terms", including those of cleaning [19659003] Uber spokesman told BBC Mundo that committing fraud of this type is a "manifest violation" of his community's guidelines

They promised to act: "We are constantly evaluating our process and our technology related to these claims and we will take appropriate action whenever a fraud is detected. "

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