What it is to be vegan and how it is different to be vegetarian


Vegetarian and vegetarian diets continue to gain popularity in different parts of the world

In the United Kingdom, for example, between 2006 and 2016, vegans increased by 350% . In the United States, the number of people consuming 100% vegetable food has increased 600% in the past three years, according to a report on dietary trends for 2017.

note that, despite these increases in the number of vegans and vegetarians, these groups still represent less than 10% of the population in both countries,

But what is the difference between the two?

There is often a lot of doubt about this. For some, being vegan and vegetarian is the same thing: do not eat meat .

The term vegan seems to appear suddenly in some areas. Does it mean a vegetarian abbreviation?

However, in practice, the objective of not eating animal products is very different in both groups.


Vegetarians exclude from their diet any type of meat – no steak, chicken, ham or fish, fish, vegetables, etc. product of animal origin . That is, milk, eggs, honey, cheese and butter.

They also avoid objects and clothing of animal origin

Still with the same objective of promoting a healthy and sustainable diet, there are also " reducing meat " or "semi -végétariens ".

] These are people who do not completely eliminate animal products from their diet, but reduce their meat consumption or limit it only to certain types of fish meat or crustaceans.

Another word that is starting to be used for this group of people is "flexitarianism", the practice of flexibility in vegetarianism.

Why do people choose to be vegan or vegetarian? 19659015] Some of the most common reasons are:

  • Aversion to meat, texture, smell and taste. Some just do not like it.
  • Animal rights. Some people do not subscribe to the idea of ​​killing animals or how they are raised for human consumption.
  • Health. Many choose a meat-free diet because they feel healthier and in better shape. Vegetarians have a lower average body mbad index, lower cholesterol levels and 32% lower risk of cardiovascular problems.
  • Religion or spiritual beliefs. Most vegetarians in the world, for example, are Hindus.

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