What will be the big changes in the new Cuban Constitution?


Havana – Cuban deputies today approved the draft text that reformed the current Constitution approved in 1976, in the midst of the cold war, and which aims to support economic reforms and a new institutionality more conform to reality. current of the island.

The text will be debated for three months by the people and will have to be ratified by referendum. Here are some of the most important aspects that will be introduced in the new text:

Recognizing Private Property

The economic reforms undertaken by Raúl Castro (2008-2018) paved the way for self-employment, which today employs More than half a million people and accounts for 13% of the national economy.

Many of these "cuentapropistas" are fake self-managers who run small and medium-sized businesses. But the 1976 Constitution recognized only state property and the agricultural cooperative. Now he will include in the new article "other forms of property such as co-operative, mixed ownership and private property".

Abandon the term communism

The political, social and economic system of Cuba will continue to declare itself socialist but will remove from its text the word "march towards communist society".

Despite the modification of the Magna Carta, the Communist Party of Cuba (CCP) will continue to be recognized as the only legal entity in the country.

Mandate Limit

In order to institutionalize the country's policy and move away from the personal mandates of the past, the Constitution will regulate that the future president may only serve two terms of five years each.

The Foreign Investment

Acknowledges in his articles that the foreign capital is not something temporary to alleviate the problems but an important element of development for the take-off of the national economy.

Cuban authorities said the country should attract more than $ 2.5 billion a year to develop.

Marriage Equal

Up to now, the text only recognizes the marriage between a man and a woman, while the new article 68 says that it is between people, without further specifications, in response to the LGBTI community's demand.

Evangelical churches oppose the measure.

President of the Republic

Up to now, there is no President of the Republic and the Head of State is the President of the State Council, which is an organ of Parliament.

To aspire to the new position must be at least 35 years old and at most 60 years old, be born in Cuba and not have dual nationality.

New Territorial and State Administration

Provincial bademblies are eliminated and provincial governments will be created, led by a governor appointed by the national parliament. He will also create the figure of Prime Minister, eliminated in 1976, who will be responsible for leading the Council of Ministers.

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