WhatsApp promises to act against false news after the lynchings in India | Trade | World | Asia


New Delhi. The Internet messaging network WhatsApp has promised the Indian government to act "swiftly" against the spread of false news that in recent months have provoked a series of lynchings in India [19659002].

"Like the Indian government, we are horrified by these terrible acts of violence and want to respond quickly to the important issues you have outlined," said the company in a letter sent to the executive and published today. by the Indian media. The American company responded with this letter to the wake-up call launched yesterday by the Indian Ministry of Electronics, which called for "the necessary corrective measures to prevent the proliferation of these false messages."

The Minister of Indian Electronics, Ravi Shankar Prasad, thanked today at a press conference in Delhi the "quick response" of WhatsApp and has added that he expects the company to put "soon" to archa some of the announced control mechanisms.

WhatsApp Facebook social network property, promised that stop the "rumors" highlighted a new tool that can highlight a message when it was directly transmitted and

The company Messaging, which says itself "deeply" concerned about the safety of its customers, has also revealed a new project with Indian researchers to "learn more about the spread of misinformation."

False news and misinformation "are issues that are better handled collectively: with the government, civil society and technology companies working together," he said WhatsApp .

Last Sunday, a crowd lynched at five men in the state of Maharastra (west of India ) "because there was a rumor that a group of kidnappers had come to town for Mr. Ramkumar, police superintendent in the area, told the EFE

that last week, three people were lynched in separate incidents for suspicion of being arrested. kidnapping in the state of Tripura (north-east of the country), among them a man hired by the government to raise public awareness of rumors, which led the authorities to suspend mobile communications during 24 hours

Indian media also recently reported lynchings in the state of Tamil Nadu in the south of the country: two people died, a woman in Assam (northeast) and at least four people in the southern states of Andra Pradesh and Telangana in May.

After the information of EFE

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