When does the summer start?


On August 11, the so-called "summer time" begins to take effect

According to the Chilean Navy and its website www.horaoficial.cl, that day, all regions must move forward the clocks at the end of the day. to say that when it is 00:00 o'clock the hour and minute hand will have to be adjusted so that they mark the 01:00 o'clock.

According to Supreme Decree No. 253, this new annex will be in effect until the second Saturday of May 2019.

In addition, and also in August, the government, the Ministry of Energy, must define the time zones of our country for the next four years, since the current design comes from the administration of the Minister Máximo Pacheco.

The modification to be made in a further 14 days will not apply to the Magellan and Chilean Antarctic region, since Supreme Decree No. 1820 established that said area will maintain the spindle -3, its current time, one hour more than the rest of the country.

On May 9, the modification of the "winter program" was made, with the exception of Easter Island, which still maintains its distance of two hours less from the mainland, both in "winter and summer". 19659007]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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