When is the time change ?: Know the day when the summer time returns to Chile


Since May 12, Chile has a winter schedule – except in the Magallanes region – as it seeks for those who get up earlier to do so with more natural light. The question then is when does the summer start to take effect?

According to the current legal body, by Supreme Decree No. 253 of March 16, 2016 of the Ministry of Internal Security of the Interior, "from 24 hours on the second Saturday of the month of August 2018 and up to 24 hours on the second Saturday of May 2019, the official time will be advanced 60 minutes. "

  Chile time change ] Reproduction

That is, say that for continental Chile, it will travel to the UTC-3 time zone at 24:00 local time, while for Isla Insular Occidental, Isla de Pascua and Isla Salas y Gómez, at 22:00 local time, it will turn into UTC-5 time zone. 19659002] Regarding the region of Magallanes and the Chilean Antarctic, it will remain in the UTC-3 time zone, not to be changing the watches of the region.

Is this good for something?

Although there are no clear conclusions about this, there are specialists who say that changing schedules does not have any positive effects. In addition to not generating a significant impact in terms of energy savings, experts claim that the majority of the population suffers from a chronic sleep deficit.

For his part, Ariel Cisternas, doctor and board member of the Chilean Society According to clinical studies, clinical studies confirm that in the days that follow, the change in schedule increases the rate of death. incidence of acute cardiovascular events, alters the circadian rhythm and increases sleep disturbances, in addition to the one who already had no one. "

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