When to worry about a "guava"? | DEHYDRATION OF ALCOHOL | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


As a "guayabo", or hangover, the behavior badumed by the body after drinking large amounts of alcohol is known.

Arturo Cristán Frías explains that "alcohol is a diuretic substance because it increases the production of urine.It is estimated that for 50 grams of alcohol in 250 milliliters of water, the body eliminates double or triple the amount of water in the form of urine, ie we eliminate more fluid than we ingest. alcohol causes your kidneys to excrete more water than normal, so they urinate more often.

The body still needs water to function properly, so it will take water from all the organs available to replenish it, which leads to mbadive dehydration.

Cristán explains that, in addition, the consumption of alcoholic beverages stimulates the synthesis of gastric juice, causing inflammation (gastritis), and pancreatic secretion. Intestinal activity increase, causing abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.

According to MedLine, if you do not stay hydrated, the blood vessels in your head become narrow and you could suffer from headaches. 19659002] When is it an emergency?

The most serious signs and symptoms that accompany excessive drinking can indicate alcohol intoxication, a medical emergency that puts people at risk for death. Call emergency if the person who drinks has the following signs:
· Confusion
· Vomiting
· Seizures
· Slow breathing (less than eight breaths per minute)
· Irregular breathing (a pause more than 10 seconds between breaths)
· Bluish or pale skin
· Low body temperature (hypothermia)
· Difficulty staying awake
· Fainting (loss of consciousness) and Some people are over sensitive than others to the hangover.

According to Mayo Clinic, genetic variation that affects how alcohol is metabolized can cause some people to redden, sweat, or vomit after drinking. Therefore, it is recommended to take care of the following cases to prevent the hangover from becoming more serious:

· Drink fasting. When there is no food in the stomach, alcohol is absorbed more quickly.

· Use other drugs, such as nicotine, with alcohol. The combination of alcohol and tobacco seems to increase the likelihood of waking up with a hangover.
· Do not sleep well or drink well. Some researchers believe that hangover symptoms are usually due, at least in part, to the poor quality and short sleep cycle that usually follows a night of drinking.

· Have a family history of alcoholism. Having close family members with a history of alcoholism may indicate a hereditary problem with how each body treats alcohol.

· Drink dark colored alcoholic beverages. Darker drinks tend to have a high volume of congeners and increase the likelihood of having a hangover.

What do I take for guava?

Specialists claim that you do not use anti-inflammatory pain relievers. pain relief (such as ibuprofen, aspirin or naproxen).
These relieve headaches, but combined with alcohol can cause damage to the gastric mucosa.
It is best to use acetaminophen. fbAsyncInit = function () {
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